The Science Behind Zinc Oxide as a Nutritional Supplement in Animal Feed

Zinc is an essential mineral for animal health and plays a vital role in various metabolic processes. It is a critical component of many enzymes and proteins involved in cellular metabolism, DNA replication, and immune function. Zinc deficiency can result in stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and other health problems in animals. In this post, we will explore the science behind zinc oxide as a nutritional supplement in animal feed, including its absorption and transportation in animals, its functions in animal metabolism, and the formulation and processing of zinc oxide for animal feed.

Zinc Absorption and Transportation in Animals

Zinc can be absorbed by animals in various ways, including through the diet and via the skin and respiratory tract. Once absorbed, zinc is transported throughout the body by transporters and carriers, including metallothioneins and albumin. The efficiency of zinc absorption and transportation varies depending on factors such as age, species, and diet. For example, young animals have higher zinc requirements than adults due to their rapid growth, while ruminants have lower zinc absorption rates due to the binding of zinc to dietary fiber in the rumen.

Functions of Zinc in Animal Metabolism

Zinc is involved in many crucial metabolic processes in animals. For example, it plays a critical role in the activity of enzymes involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Zinc is also essential for DNA replication, cell growth, and wound healing. Additionally, zinc is important for immune function, helping to regulate the activity of white blood cells and prevent infections.

Formulation and Processing of Zinc Oxide for Animal Feed

Zinc oxide is commonly used as a nutritional supplement in animal feed. It is highly bioavailable and cost-effective, making it a popular choice for farmers and feed manufacturers. Zinc oxide is typically added to animal feed in the form of a premix, which is a mixture of various micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals. The processing and formulation of zinc oxide involve ensuring optimal nutrient content and bioavailability, as well as ensuring that the final product meets regulatory requirements.


Zinc oxide is a crucial nutritional supplement for animal health and is widely used in animal feed. Its role in enzyme reactions, protein synthesis, and immune function makes it essential for animal growth and overall health. Proper formulation and processing of zinc oxide are critical to ensure optimal nutrient content and bioavailability in animal feed. As such, it is essential for feed manufacturers and farmers to understand the science behind zinc oxide as a nutritional supplement for animals. By incorporating this knowledge into their practices, they can help ensure the health and well-being of their animals, as well as the sustainability and profitability of their operations.